

Cavalier pivots from protecting our nation to protecting our planet

在美国度过了收获颇丰的四年之后.S. Marines, Chris Sanders was looking for his next steps. 他获得了宝贵的技术, strategic thinking and leadership skills as a Transmission Systems Operator. He had been responsible for all transmitted communication with platoons and convoys, as well as the secure setup and linkage to the internet.

Chris had also discovered a love of hiking and nature while serving in the military. He started noticing trash on his hikes, which led to his interest in environmentalism. Now 赌钱app可以微信提现 is helping him turn that passion and military experience into an exciting career.

His new personal mission is to earn an associate degree in General Sciences. He plans to transfer to the University of Missouri-Kansas City and finish with a bachelor’s degree in Earth and Environmental Science.


A military financial counselor told Chris about an internship with 赌钱app可以微信提现’s 退伍军人和军人哪个app可以赌足球 Center (VMSRC). He reached out to the office to learn more. Hiring was temporarily placed on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 但就在他退出军队的时候, 校园重新开放,他得到了那份工作.

Chris’s transition from military to college and civilian life left him looking for a new community. Many of his coworkers in the VMSRC had faced similar challenges. They made his transition easier, giving him the comradery and support he needed.

“They knew exactly what I was going through and had answers to all my questions,他说. “They also showed me all 赌钱app可以微信提现 has to offer, 比如免费辅导, 夜校, and even the ROSE (Reusable Office Supply Exchange) store.”

All student veterans at the College can benefit from the Peer Advisors for 经验丰富的 Education (PAVE) program, providing support to overcome challenges and connect them to campus resources.

Getting involved with 赌钱app可以微信提现 sustainability

Chris soon became acclimated to his new surroundings. He also got involved in activities on campus that mattered to him—like sustainability efforts.

While working with an instructor on 赌钱app可以微信提现’s solar panel charging tables, Chris learned about another on-campus internship. The 可持续发展中心 needed someone to build a solar panel trailer and fix the charging tables when they went down. 克里斯接受了挑战.

“I’ve always had a passion for renewable energies, so taking the job was a no-brainer,他说.

As an intern, Chris discovered how easily the sun’s energy can be used to our advantage. He learned about other renewable energy sources as well, like wind and steam power. He also helped with recycling and composting efforts. He’ll use that knowledge to reduce his own carbon footprint.


Sustainability took to the skies—on a faculty-led study abroad program to Iceland. The group would study the island country’s advancements in sustainability, 探索冰川, 瀑布, 热泻湖等等. 克里斯决定申请.

“I didn’t know if I’d get to go, but I threw my hat in the ring and I got in!他说. Taking that chance led to another experience of a lifetime.

Chris said the locals were friendly, the sights were amazing, and he gained so much knowledge. “我们了解了可再生能源, 是什么在摧毁我们的星球, 以及我们如何保护它,他说.

He highly recommends 赌钱app可以微信提现’s Study Abroad programs and all they offer. He earned college credit, gained a new worldview and expanded his social circle. “The students I went with were amazing—and they all shared the same love I have for the environment,克里斯说.


If you’re a veteran with a passion, 赌钱app可以微信提现 can help you turn it into a career. For support, contact the VMSRC at 913-469-8500, ext. 4981 or veteranservices@getcarddoctor.com 或到COM 305. One conversation could lead to an exciting new career path!